A history of genocides


/ˈjenəˌsīd/ gen·o·cide - the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

I was looking for a project to test out GSAP's scroll trigger and also to try integrating a Vue SFC without any build process.

Below is a visualisation of the following wikipedia article list of genocides by death toll. Each person represents a rounded 1000 deaths (minimum of one). I've sorted in ascending order using the low estimate (mostly due to performance and general visibility). All figures are pulled directly from the article with the exception of the last event which I have chosen to include. Please refer to the article for all references.

{{ countryJSON[ID].country }}

{{ countryJSON[ID].event }}

{{ countryJSON[ID].year }}

low {{ countryJSON[ID].low.toLocaleString() }}

high {{ countryJSON[ID].high.toLocaleString() }}